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Équipes inscrites
2 964 745 $
Dons amassés
Aaron Milliken
Ski sur place (Capitaine)
Équipe WC l'équipe
Numéro de dossard: #162
Années de participation
Mes motivations:
Equipe WC and I are taking part in Tremblant’s 24h of Skiing, the biggest fundraising event in the skiing industry. We will ski in a non-stop relay for 24 hours to raise money for sick and underprivileged children. This will be my eight year participating and my sixth year as Team Captain. I look forward to another great year raising funds for this great cause. This year the three beneficiaries are the Charles Bruneau Cancer center (Children’s cancer centre and three pediatric oncology centres in Quebec, CHEO Foundation (Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario), and the Tremblant Foundation (provides funds for underprivileged children in the Tremblant area). Thank you / Merci, Aaron
500 $ objectif
850 $ dons amassés
100 % de l'objectif atteint
Dons récents
Johnny Cash - 100,00 $
The Zeyls - 100,00 $
Lisa Allan - 50,00 $
Theresa - 50,00 $
500 $ objectif
850 $ dons amassés
100 % de l'objectif atteint
Dons récents
Johnny Cash - 100,00 $
The Zeyls - 100,00 $
Lisa Allan - 50,00 $
Theresa - 50,00 $