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Équipes inscrites
2 964 745 $
Dons amassés
Ruben Becerra
Marche sur place
Équipe Acuity Brands - Marche 3
Numéro de dossard: #352
Année de participation
Mes motivations:
It's an honor to have the opportunity to participate for a second time in such a prestigious non profit event, to be able to implicate actively in a great social cause.
My main motivation is to create inspiration for everybody: those who could become donors, those who would like to participate in the following years, or those who didn't know about this event but now they could be part of; but mainly, those who are going, or have been, through tough situations with their children's.
As a parent, it's a way to show solidarity and support to fight illnesses that could reach any home, no matter the race, conditions or social status.
500 $ objectif
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500 $ objectif
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