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Équipes inscrites
2 964 745 $
Dons amassés
Louis Levesque
Ski sur place
Équipe Accenture - Ski #2
Numéro de dossard: #288
Année de participation
Mes motivations:
I'm excited to be part of the 24h de Tremblant, a charity event dedicated to improving the lives and health of children in need. This cause hits close to home for so many of us, and I’m proud to take on this challenge to make a real difference in their future.
Every contribution, big or small, helps move us closer to providing essential support to these children. Together, we can have a lasting impact on their lives.
I invite you to join me in this mission and help me reach my fundraising goal. Your support means the world—not just to me, but to the children who will benefit directly from it.
Thank you for being part of this journey with me!
500 $ objectif
50 $ dons amassés
10 % de l'objectif atteint
Dons récents
Garrett Oliveira - 50,00 $
500 $ objectif
50 $ dons amassés
10 % de l'objectif atteint
Dons récents
Garrett Oliveira - 50,00 $